Null's Brawl with Chuck, Pearl and Season 20 (51.248)

Null’s Brawl with Chuck, Pearl and Season 20 (51.248)

BS update is out, which means that the update on Null’s Brawl server with new brawlers Chuck and Pearl has been released.

This time the update is really big, added hypercharge to many brawlers. These are all new mechanics that will need to be learned and implemented in the best way possible. But before the update, we also did a lot of work on important points.

There were technical interruptions on the server from time to time, maybe you didn’t even know about them. But we are constantly working on bugs. A lot of work has been done on the friendship system. Now you will be able to know who exactly turned off the chat in the friendship room, it will be displayed icon🔇. And here the statistics of players at the end of the power league battle is shown taking into account all matches played. Do not forget to report bugs with brawlers, for example, fixed the bug with Lou in game mode loading.

Unlimited super on Nulls Brawl

Of interest and what many players have asked for is the addition of interesting modifiers. On the server can now take advantage of the infinite ulta and add health +200 percent to each fighter. You can try it in friendly fights.

What will be in the new version of Null’s Brawl:

  • New Mythic Brawler Chuck.
  • New chromatic brawler Pearl.
  • Added all Hypercharges to available brawlers (unlock more?).
  • Added new skins, sprays and kicks.
  • Bug fixes and recent balance changes.

At the moment the current version of the server 59.197 , as soon as the new version is ready, you can download from the link above.

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