Bug fixes with Hank and more server

Bug fixes with Hank and more server fixes

The Null’s Brawl server has been patched for the new brawler Hank, which was made very recently even on the official server. Thanks to active players, many bugs were discovered, and we are happy to report that they have now been fixed.

Here is a list of the main fixes:

  • Fixed major bugs related to Hank’s main attack.
  • Fixed an issue where gadgets could be inaccessible while attacking or using the super (this particularly affected Buster and Otis’ second gadget).
  • Fixed an issue with Bibi’s scale resetting (it wouldn’t reset when an attack was interrupted).
  • Improved server stability and fixed problems with items dropping out after death.

These changes were made without a technical break, so you might not have noticed them. We would also like to note that we occasionally have technical breaks on the servers for maintenance purposes. These usually happen late at night and last a few minutes.

If you notice bugs that haven’t been fixed yet, please report them in the comments under this post. We really appreciate your activity and helping to improve the gaming experience for all players.

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  1. When do you guys think the nulls-brawl update wil be dropping

  2. Hello do it im pro

  3. User name 05716545

    New version of Nulls brawl yet?

  4. Hello, a few days ago I installed Null’s Brawl with your different ways of installing the game. 2-3 days after the first installation, I find that I can no longer install applications from you. Can you please help me so that I can play your game again?

  5. Fix the bug that I posted in Twitter/ tt: Milkasurnb/ the bug is with the pin selection menu

  6. Hello , i don’t have anything in VPN ( in the settings) can you help me pls

  7. Nulls brawl fan

    Nulls brawl I can’t play it your game I can but my nulls brawl doesn’t instal 🙁 idk why 🙁 I’m sad I want to play it and my friends too 🙁

  8. Salem Al-Kuwari

    Please fix this few days ago I installed it but yesterday it’s was saying unable to verify app please fix

  9. Je ne peut pas me connecte pour me crée un compte

  10. How to get nulls Brawl on iOS or how to get developer certyficate or signature via id Please help me

  11. Why my nulls doesen’t open help me please

  12. Hello i installed nulls brawl on ios 2 days ago and it stopped working it says the integrity can’t be verified there is no profile showing up in the settings to verify please help as i really enjoyed playing this server thank you

  13. hello can you put for IOS the modifier of infinite super friendly and map creator

  14. hello can you put the modifier of infinite super for those of IOS

  15. HABİL

  16. Lalo González

    Hello I downloaded nullsbrawl on iOS after I verified it keeps saying unable to verify app I don’t know what to do please help

  17. Is Null Stars down right now?

  18. Why when I launch nulls Brawl it leaves me directly?

  19. Alessandrr rijamadze

    Hi I download this app but its not opening

  20. Why is my game starting more?

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